Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rules (Or Just Insight) Into POF Dating

These are some general rules and trends I've noticed in these past two months of fishing. 

1. There is an overabundance of military men on this site, both current and post-active duty, which makes sense as I’m sure it can be difficult meeting people of variety with that lifestyle.
2. There are also a significant number of body builders on this site, which DOES NOT make sense to me. Who are you going to find online that is secure enough in their body image to date you and that vein that keeps looking at me through your pictures? Wouldn’t you be better off pursuing someone you meet at your body building….what are they? Conventions? Competitions? Tupperware parties? Whatever.
3. It’s just awkward when you include “lover” in your username…no matter what. No exceptions.
4. You will frequently stumble upon photos of men displaying their manliness. In particular, I've noticed lots men posting pictures of them holding giant fish they have caught (presumably on a fishing pole in a boat). Fish are the new trucks, I guess.
5. You may encounter couples in search of someone to join them for a threesome. Proceed as you wish.
6. It is rare, but there have been a few official Sugar Daddy sightings.
7. No matter how much we want it to, the “bathroom mirror pic” isn’t going away.
8. Junk pictures are not ok! Even if you’re not looking for a committed relationship, it can’t exactly spark your interest to know that EVERYONE has seen what they bring to the table.
9. The ever popular saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover” is completely irrelevant in the online dating world. Viewers have every right to judge you at least a little bit by your “cover”, or what is possibly better known as the Username.
And from the last rule, comes this post’s edition of “The Weekly Catch”!

Usernames, in my opinion, are like virtual license plates. Usually they are straight forward because they literally spell out a whole word or phrase, unlike real license plates that have a 7-character limitation. But even still, usernames can be a mystery. Even if it’s written there in plain English, sometimes a girl has got to ask herself, what the hell does that mean? Or we will try to interpret the significance behind those specifically chosen words.
 I promise, I’m not trying to read into these usernames so much as to try and build this entire persona behind it.  But I think people should be aware of the slew of thoughts that actually come to an outsiders mind after seeing their username for the first time. It may not just be the cool, suave alias you imagined it to be. See the following examples:
                So you like to get high and then….op. Is that really what you wanted me to think about?
                I just imagine this guy sitting in a huge tangerine-colored truck, looking pompous enough to let you know you’ll be making a mistake if you dare call his truck “orange”.
                You somehow managed to make a username that is more awkward than just the usual “lover007”. Congratulations. And yes, lover007 actually exists.
                My first thought was, “well that’s just rude.”
                Ok, this is a rare example of a good-thought provoking username. Anyone from our generation should know where this came from.  I had to give this guy kudos because I immediately read it in Will Ferrell’s voice, pictured Owen Wilson and actually laughed out loud.
                You’re plain and safe, with a fire-y kick?
                Of all things, you chose a monkey to picturesquely become zombified in my imagination? What about a lion or a bear? Something already incredibly more intimidating. I personally like monkeys, so I can’t decide if that image would make the previously cute animal be that much cooler or that much more terrifying.
                Obviously with that kind of diction!
                You’re a super big fan of US history, clearly. And in particular, of the Preamble of the US Constitution.
To conclude this week’s post, I’d like to take Wethepeople1’s inspiration and share this with you:
“We the People of Plenty of Fish, in order to form a more perfect union, establish only a slightly modified version of who we are in our profiles, insure that others can’t see our flaws from the angle in which our pictures are taken, provide entertainment for the common public, promote the bathroom mirror pic, and secure the right to be ridiculous online, do ordain and establish this material for the Plenty To Dish Blog.”
Go ahead, judge me all you want. For I am not exempt from my own rules and I thoroughly enjoyed writing that. :) Happy Fishing! 

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