Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You're Doing It Wrong

OK, now I know I've said this before but I really mean it. I'm sure there can't be too many specific rules as to how to get the best results in online dating. We are all online for various reasons, various types of people, various intentions etc. But I think one thing is a solid, should be obvious kind of rule. If you want to attract someone for a hookup, a date, a relationship, a future spouse, whatever, you do NOT post a significant number of photos of you and people of the opposite gender. This just can't work. And as I've said in the past, (this is directed at men) other dudes are not going to stumble upon your page and think you must be such a stud for having all these hot women in your life! Women will be looking at them thinking, why is he so proud of posing next to a bunch of other women?

The ONLY exception in which I can imagine that it might be seen as a positive to have pictures with the opposite sex (that isn't family) is this: say a guy is looking for a really easy girl (or vice versa) who he hopes won't want to commit to him anywhere along their road of rondez vous...then pictures of her posing closely, with her arms wrapped around other guys, might give off the right kind of vibe. It's more like an "insert your face here" kind of photo.

Anyways, there are so many examples that I'll just show you myself.

Do I have to state the obvious? Since this is his main photo, when its in a thumbnail version, you don't see the caption. So it just looks like his wedding.

Even if you crop the girl out, dude, the message is the same. Maybe he just really wanted a shirtless pic.

This one really didn't make sense to me. Sir, this is your online dating profile. I think you meant to post this on your Myspace or Facebook page.

Seriously?? This one was sent directly to me in a message too.

The caption on this was: "Just a friend, ladies. Not a player." If you know that's the impression it would give, why would you post it?!

 This seems to be a theme that men just aren't getting. Still don't believe me?

His caption is what makes this one a priceless.

Girls don't care if you post next to half naked women in Vegas. It's not impressive to us.

Case and point.

And then there’s the random few who you almost wonder if they’re batting for the other team because they don’t post ANY pictures with females, but rather, lots of their guy friends.

I'm not being prejudice here. I'm speaking form the perspective of a girl who totally thought some of these gentlemen were incredibly attractive....until I felt like their friends thought they were too.

So guys, if you've ever wondered why you only get messaged by the "crazies" and never the drama free, nice girls, it's because only a crazy would see those pictures and immediately want to make herself the girl in the picture with you. Normal, self-respecting girls look at those and think, 

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