Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dating Pet Peeves of a Potential Bitter Betty - Real Life Edition

I'm a writer. It's what I do. It's how I clear my head when I have a lot to say and no one in particular to say it to. And just like any 24-year-old single girl, I often have many opinions on the dating world (I said dating world, not relationship station). Plus, I've already had my chat sesh with plenty of female friends and many of them seem to agree with me on this so I decided to put it out there for real. So these are some of my pet peeves and my responses to them.

To the guys who make these sort of comments: "I'd treat my girlfriend like a princess" blah blah blah. (and yet you're perpetually single)

Oh really? Is that why you haven't asked any girls on a date lately? Or why you turned one of your female friends into a hookup last week? Yes, I know about that. Girls talk. Also, whose the classy one again? It's like you're waiting for a girl to just blow you away and work to impress you to make you want to commit. Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're just not that impressive?

To the men who find a way to say to a girl, "I just don't want you to wait for me." --this happens all the time to so many of us...seriously, I've done my research--

Um...sir, when was the last time you have even heard from me? When was the last time your phone rang, beeped, or notified you that I was awaiting your reply? Exactly. In fact, you even started this very conversation. It's one thing when a girl is actually remaining hopeful and showing that to you. But when the girl is doing her best to stay away and not contact you in an attempt to move on, saying that to her is like salt in the wound. It's unnecessary and unkind. But the best is when the girl is NOT waiting for the guy at all. She doesn't purposefully open conversation with you but only responds when the guy starts it because its the polite and mature thing to do. But the guy thinks that if the girl responds to him at all, she must still want him. False.

Furthermore, you know that person who you know is into you (I mean, lets face it. Of course you know. You're not blind or stupid.) but you have to pretend that you don't know to keep them from moving in on you? And you're polite to them but you definitely don't extend any major curtosy that could be mistaken as flirting, but they never seem to get the reality of the situation. Well, to those (guys or girls) who just never go away....I just want someone to smack you in the forehead and say, stop it! Wouldn't that be a great job? It'd be like the anti-cupid. You run around in a blue tunic (blue is the opposite of red, right?) and say, "Listen, they don't know how to tell you this, so I have to. They're NOT interested. And if you don't want to hear listen to what I'm saying, I'm gonna stick you in the ass with this arrow if you don't just accept the fact that they're not into you. Now go look for someone else because this is just sad!" --I think there would be millions to make in that profession.

So this concludes my rant on dating scenarios - Real Life Edition. I'll be back to posting more about online dating next week. Have a good one!

Oh, and also on that note, hope you're getting ready for Valentine's Day ;)

-Yours Truly.


  1. I think the anti-cupid should wear black. If someone is going to parade around in a tunic you have to be looking you best. Black fits better on most people.

    1. I originally thought black too, but I decided that image seemed to morbid. It's not the death cupid. lol It's more of a polite "the sky will be blue once again" smack in the face cupid.
