Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To Pick Up On Girls 101 - The Sarcastic Version

How To Pick Up On Girls 101

1. Find a common interest
(I mentioned on my profile that I'd like to travel to a few places on the east coast.)

I can think of lots of reasons. Maybe I like snow, history, old architecture. You don't know me!

2. Tell the girl you are interested in about her likeable qualities.

3. Make sure your intentions are clear without being too serious about it right off the bat.


4. Also, I know we've covered this, but there really is a strong difference between cute and clever pick up lines, and just weird concerning ways to begin a two-way conversation (assuming that's what you're aiming for...)

For example, Cute:

  Also Cute:



Weird, but funny:
Funny, I don't remember getting married or having an animal named Fluffy, but I will certainly take Fiji!

But really, I guess there can be no wrong or right way to hit on a lady. I mean, you're going to attract what's similar to you (hopefully) so just be yourself and the right match will work out. And all the wrong ones...well, you might end up on here. (Sorry that I'm not sorry).

One of the funniest convos I've had was when I received a message while at a friend's house and I read it to her. It sounded familiar. This is what unfolded:

(I'm "S-----" and he's "khjohn----")

3 people who happen to be friends received the same message...obviously it's very likely that a hundred girls from all over the place probably received it as well. Busted.

The real kicker of online dating is that it keeps score for you, like you're playing a popularity game with yourself and you win everytime you get an ego boost. I never get used to this little box (this was within 2 hours):

WHAT??? What do people do online all day? Oh,

Well, as of just before I clicked Publish on this post, the blog was at exactly 2,900 viewers. We are so close to 3,000 views that I can almost taste it! And tomorrow is my birthday so lets see if I get a birthday present just in time. ;) Click and share, people. Click and share.

-Yours Truly