Thursday, December 27, 2012

Let's Be Real Here

I have received a bit of flack about my blog lately and I would just like to address the opinions I’ve heard directly one by one. But as an overall statement, let me just say, please, if you don’t like my blog, stop reading it. I won’t be offended.
One person mentioned that he saw my post on Facebook that my blog had reached over 2000 views. I replied with a celebratory “Yeah! I’m pretty excited about it.” His response held a somewhat dampening tone, asking “isn’t it just about douche bags and the douche things they do? That’s not very original.” I was a little shocked by the change of mood the conversation had suddenly put me in. But this was my response: No, my focus isn’t just to find douche bags and expose them. I like to  find anything interesting or humorous about the online dating world, especially any patterns/trends among it, as well as the bizarre and random behaviors, in order to share them publicly purely because…get this….it’s entertaining. (shocker)
I was also asked by a separate individual who was under the impression that my blog is more like an advice column that if I’m such a smarty pants of what would make online dating “successful”, then why am I still on it? I would say, Touché, if anything they had said was accurate. I do not pride myself on being an online dating connoisseur, or any kind of dating for that matter. I mean, hello…still single over here!
In fact, here is an example of how successful my dating life has been. Below is a text message from a good friend and previous suitor. I still offer up both titles because while we have become good friends and we both are aware that dating is not in the cards for us, we still flirt and depend on each other for companionship every once in a while.

I immediately laughed (yes, out loud even) when I saw this because I thought, “man, I must be doing something right if a pseudo suitor of mine wants to see me ‘sometime in the near future’.” *FAIL*
Overall, my point is this: Did I say that I was trying to win a Pulitzer Prize with my writing? No. (One person actually responded to this statement with "Good, cause you won't." Rude.) Do I think that I am enlightening the world of information previously unknown about the human population’s dating/sexual rituals? Again, no. And finally, do I just think that I am the shit when it comes to dating and should bestow upon the public my abundant knowledge? F*** no! This blog is purely for my own entertainment just as much as it is for yours. Plus, I'll be extra honest. Writing a post every week fulfills my lack of a writing position in the real world for the time being. But I am a writer nonetheless. It’s what I do. So I will continue to write about what amuses and interests me as long as I like. It’s up to you whether you want to continue reading or not.

So have a lovely day, everyone! And remember, it's all fun and games until you take yourself too seriously. Nobody likes a Serious Sally. ;)


  1. I have a request: a hate mail post. Post a selection of negative responses you've gotten (author names optional), and devote a post to unapologetically bashing their lack of judgment.

    Encouraged: witty comebacks, pointing out the obvious connections between their criticisms and their own inabilities, colorful euphemisms for what they can do with their "advice", poetic hyperboles illustrating how little you and your readers care.

    Discouraged: disclaimers, apologies of any kind for what you've written.

    You write, they don't. Make them understand the hard way that it's never wise to bash the one with an attentive audience! >;]

    See a good (if a bit vulgar) example:

    Keep up the good work!

    1. I've never written someone and received a negative response. I think the worst that usually happens in that scenario is that the receiver just chooses to not respond. However, I've received some disturbing and inappropriate messages but I usually post those pretty promptly thereafter. Besides, I don't think I could write a genuine "hate mail" post as I never get that angry when I receive "bad" messages. Why? Because I immediately think of the opportunity to share it on here! :) But I'll work on it.

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